Rafting Adventure

Best Indonesia River Rafting Adventure

Rafting Adventure in Cimanuk River

Further inland in West Java is Garut, a city more famous amongst hikers and mountain climbers en route to Mount Papandayan as well as for its production of Indonesian’s favorite traditional sweets called dodol. Few know that it is also home to an adrenaline pumping whitewater of Cimanuk River. Only 15 kilometers from Garut, the river passes through four districts: Garut, Sumedang, Majalengka and Cirebon, and eventually ends in the Java Sea. Cimanuk River has just started to be recognized as a rafting destination and rafting destination and rafting activities usually start from Garut. In dry seasons, the river is calm and perfect for beginners. For adrenaline junkies, though, Cimanuk River is so much more fun in rainy seasons. Several routes are available to choose from. You can choose the Jager-Leuwi Gong route commonly called Cimanuk I, or a more challenging Leuwi Gong Sasak Besi route dubbed Cimanuk II, or an advance Cimanuk III route from sasak Besi to limbangan. Most routes will take around 2.5 hours from start to finish. But there is also a multi-day adventure option that takes three whole days to complete, starting in Garut and finishing in Wado Village, Majalengka.

Rafting Adventure in Cisadane River

Dubbed as the best rafting destination in Bogor, Cisadane River is one of the main rivers crossing both West Java Province and Banten Province. Sourced in the region of Mount Salak and Mount Gede-Pangrango, the 80-kilometers river discharges its water into the Java Sea. As a river fed by rainfalls, Cisadane’s flow fluctuates considerably depending on seasons and thus is more thrilling in rainy seasons. Graded with diffictuly rang of 2 to 3 and boasting wide and clear channels, this river is the right choice for beginners. However, Cisadane has a special secret weapon, which is a three-meter dam that rafters will have to drop from. The journey towards the dam is nerve wrecking and breathtaking at the same time, accompaied by the soothing of nature and the backdrop of beautiful sceneries. Another favored drop is the “Jeram Perawan” (Virgin Rapid) where the river narrows from ten-meter wide to only three-meter wide, dramatically changing the mood of the rapid from gentle to violent. The rafting route is around nine kilometers with travel time of about two hours.

Rafting Adventure in Cikeas River

No less in interesting is the family-friendly Cikeas River in Sentul City, Bogor. The class 1 (and Class 2 in some sections) river is perfect for novice families to do river rafting. In a large inflatable multi-person raft accompanied by at least one guide. Every member of the family is expected to paddle on a 700-meter route following the guide’s instructions. And that’s the big part of the fun on a journey that will only take about 30 minutes. The rafting trip starts off with a short briefing, and it’s expected that all participants are novices so no worries if you’ve never done a whitewater trip before. Kids as little as 5-8 years old are frequent participants here. If you do have some concerns, you can even opt entirely out of the “whitewater” part and request for a calm river float downstream. Sometimes it’s even possible to take a dip as you float along. Discuss these options with your operator. Although family-oriented, do not underestimate the drops. There are still intense rapids at several sections that will drench the entire boat! Those preferring a more challenging route with a higher drop quantity can opt for the 2-kilometer route, which will take a whole hour to complete.

Rafting Adventure in Citarik River 

One of the most amazing places to raft in West Java is Citarik River (grade 3) in Sukabumi. The river originates from Mount Halimun National Park and ends in Pelabuhan Ratu. Rafting here offer different packages with routes ranging from 5 to 17 kilometers. You can also raft all the way to the sea, while the most courageous may even want to try night rafting. The river is graded 3 with moderate irregular waves that may be difficult to avoid and can swamp an open canoe. Complex maneuvers in fast currents and good boat control in tight passages or around ledges are often required. However, Citarik is still quite safe for beginners. The soothing sights of tea and rubber plantations are the great bonus accompanying rafters from start to finish. A wonderful lunch is waiting at the end of the adventure consisting of traditional Sundanese menu such as karedok (raw vegetables with peanut sauce), sayur asam (sour vegetables soup), tempe goreng (fried soy cake), tahu goreng(fried tofu) and ikan asin (salted fish). Getting thre is very easy. Just take the Jagorawi Toll Road and exit in Ciawi, then follow the main road and exit in Ciawi, then follow the main road to sukabumi. Entry point is located in the village of Cigelong, between Parung Kuda and Cibadak Sub-districts. Mind you, acces road from Jakarta is always heavily congested in the weekends. Spare at least five hours to get there.

The Citarik River is located in Cikidang village. It was about 137 kilometers from Jakarta. The road direction is from Jakarta to Sukabumi. If we start from Jakarta, Cikidang village is reached after we pass Parungkuda district and before Cibadak district. The place is very cool as it is located in the hilly area.
The Citarik River’s depth is about 50 cm to 100 cm. The current is mild to strong. It makes Citarik River is a good place for Class III rafting.

The river is quite popular among rapids fans. Condition of the water was clear and relatively stable throughout the year. Trajectories are cool enough to be forded along the 17 km. Start can be started from the village Telu Parakan Cigelong or from Pajagan, Cigelong Village. Being finished in the village Citangkolo, or in the village Cikidang Cikadu, Harbor Queen. Total raft duration about 4 hours. But in general, rafting begins and ends in the village Pajagan Cikadu.

Exploring nature from the river is an exhilarating experience. You cannot beat the awesome feeling of soaring down on a raging river. We have selected packages for every type of River Rafting enthusiast. Start planning your River Rafting Adventure Today!

Rafting Adventure in Cicatih river (Rapid Class III – IV)

Rafting in Citatih river Sukabumi Jawa Barat during weekend is interesting & thrilling outdoor activities,
especially during rainy season, the water level was high enough. It is exactly brown instead of white as deforestation in upstream was taking place, especially during a torrential rain. Citatih is adventurous river as grade level reach as high as 3 and 3+, even said it is 4.

The unique of Citatih River is relatively continuous rapid; leaving the first rapid come to the other, so you have a good reason to express your joy and stress relieve, shout it loudly. In this river there is a nick name of each rapid such as Dragon that it waves is seamless, Mixer that is swirling and make your raft stuck-dancing, Ice Block with a narrow passage that ask you and the team to be prepare for a precise maneuvering otherwise the raft would jump onto the side wall of the river and cap side down. Gigi rapid is the big rapid that is real challenging like riding a wild horse. Don’t go panic if you totally wet or even jump unintentionally.

Located in the District. Sukabumi, river wide enough between 25 s / d 100 meters. The first is the entry point of Ubruk Hydroelectric Dam, being the entry point to two of the villages Bojongkerta. Being finished in suspension on bridge Leuwilalai. Long rafting around 3 hours if the starting point of the DAM Ubruk, if starting from Bojongkerta long rafting around 2 hours. Biggest rapids are rapids teeth with Class IV levels of difficulty.

Citatih river is the most popular grade 3+ rapids for whitewater rafting adventure in West Java. The Rain forest, birds, plenty of rice paddy fields, Sundanese culture, local people and great view surrounding river will give you complete adventure during the trip. Grade II – III+

Rafting Adventure in Palayangan River

In Situ Cileunca, Pangalengan (near Bandung), people usually come to visit the beautiful Cileunca Lake and submerge in the land of tealeaves and strawberry fields. But Situ Cileunca also offers fun activities including outbound, flying fox, paintball and, of course, rafting on Palayangan Rivers. Having a difficulty level of Class 4, the river boasts several rocky drops and big waves. One ideally should have some whitewater experience to raft here as extremely long, obstructed, or violent rapids expose a paddler to added risk. Drops contain unavoidable waves and holes, or steep congested chutes with complex and demanding routes. Each cascading rapid is assigned a unique name, starting with “Jeram Selamat Datang” (Welcome Rapid) that welcomes rafters on the three-kilometer journey. Also watch out for “Jeram Blender”, which is one of the tallest drops, plummeting from about 2 meters. The water level of Palayangan River remains more or less constant all year long so you can gear up any month of the year. The gears are of course provided, as well as a guide or instructor, first aid kit and insurance. After two hours of alternating fearful screams and excited laughter, relax your nerves by taking in the picturesque landscape of Situ Cileunca and enjoying delicious lunch.

Rafting Adventure in Cisangkuy River

Cisangkuy River flows between two mountains, Puntang and Patuha, West Java. Like Palayangan, the river also originates from Cileunca Lake (Situ Cileunca) and is actually formed by the convergence of both Palayangan and Cimaung Rivers. Located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level, the atmosphere around the river is always cool and the water can get a bit cold, adding to the fun when one falls in the water! Classified 3 on the International Scale of River Difficulty, Cisangkuy has many sections with strong-current rapids and rocky drops ranging from1.5 to 2.5 meters. However, the river is very wide with average width of around 15 meters, hence easy to maneuver and perfect for beginners. Fourteen-kilometer rafting packages are available at two most popular entry points: one at Leuwi Bingbing Bridge in Banjaran Sub-district and the other at Cisangkuy Bridge in Cikalong Sub-district. But the river dries up in dry seasons and can be as shallow as 1 meter, making it impassable by rafts. The river therefore can only be used for rafting in rainy seasons when the water volume increases and the depth of the water reaches 4 meters. Although seasonal, Cisangkuy is a favorite for its powerful yet friendly rapids.


Contact us for detailed info :
Patrick +6281288220888 | Anas +6281212551888 | Martin +628129057087 | Adri +6281327691888
