Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training

Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training Program

Recent Development Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training Program

With the an increasingly diverse workforce and consumer market, and the rise of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender workforce over the last decade, communities need sexuality and gender diversity training program. ID Adventure Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training Program into several categories: anti-discrimination training, diversity awareness training, cultural awareness training, diversity management/leadership training, diversity knowledge/skills-based training, or dimension-specific workshops. For corporate the training broke down into: top-level executives, non-executive managerial employees and non-managerial employees. For school communities the training broke down into : teachers and staff, students (males and females).

Your communities need some form of Sex and Gender awareness training that includes sexual orientation, and most of all the community leaders that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity have some form of related diversity training.

Area of discussion in Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training Program

ID Adventure Sexuality and Gender Awareness Training Program is a day workshop that gives participants knowledge and skills for working with trans and inter-sex people, covering:

  • Diverse sexuality model and terminology (optional)
  • Diverse sex and gender model and terminology
  • Myths and issues faced by people who are trans, inter-sex and otherwise gender diverse.
  • Understanding inter-sex, trans and gender diverse people’s personal perspectives
  • Values and attitudes about diverse sexuality, sex and gender
  • Psycho-social health factors
  • Personal safety issues for gender diverse people
  • Physical and social transition info and considerations for Trans people
  • Useful resources for further understanding and knowledge related to who are Intersect, Trans and Gender Diverse.

This training was developed in a collaboration between idadventure and Mahameru staff and volunteers. It is recommended (but not necessary) for participants in this training to have already completed Character Building Training or similar training by Mahameru prior to this training.


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